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Stress Response Modeling at IceLab

A multidisciplinary complexity center formed to unveil universal principles and adaptive mechanisms in living systems under stress.

Research project This multidisciplinary complexity center aims to unveil universal principles and adaptive mechanisms in living systems under stress.

Stress Response Modeling at IceLab is a multidisciplinary complexity center formed to unveil universal principles and adaptive mechanisms in living systems under stress, which explain conditions for the emergence of stability, resilience and resistance in contrast with multiple states, critical transitions and tipping points. 

Head of project

Martin Rosvall

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2024-01-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Department of Molecular Biology, Department of Physics, Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Medicine

Research area

Biological sciences, Botany, Computing science, Ecology, Infection biology, Mathematics, Physical sciences

External funding

Swedish Research Council, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

Project description

Stress Response Modeling at IceLab is a multidisciplinary complexity center formed to unveil universal principles and adaptive mechanisms in living systems under stress, which explain conditions for the emergence of stability, resilience and resistance in contrast with multiple states, critical transitions and tipping points. 

We conduct research across three pillars: 1) system-specific empirical knowledge shared across organizational scales of study systems, 2) network analysis with new inference tools for predictions and mechanistic hypotheses, and 3) dynamical systems modeling explaining how those systems drive or inhibit critical transitions.

Funded by a Swedish Research Council center of research excellence grant, Stress Response Modeling at IceLab includes recruitment possibilities, a graduate research school, activities and conferences.

External funding

Latest update: 2024-10-02