Small businesses in the green transition in northern Sweden: Legitimacy struggles and conflicts
Research project
The project analyzes conflicts between large companies and small entrepreneurs in the green transition, to better understand how the transition affects small businesses and what small businesses can do to make their interests heard. The project consists of both case studies and a media analysis.
The green transition in northern Sweden focuses a lot on large companies. In these projects, we analyse the green transition from the perspective of medium and small companies, with an emphasis on small companies that are oriented towards ecological sustainability. We also study conflicts that arise and strategies that conflict parties use.
This research project aims to shed light on why some interests are prioritized over others in the 'green transition' and what specifically ecologically oriented entrepreneurs do and can do to get their interests heard and thus access the resources they need. We will answer two questions: (1) how do eco-entrepreneurs acquire legitimacy at a local level? (2) how is legitimacy granted at the national level? To answer the first question, we will conduct comparative case studies with small- and medium-sized companies in Västerbotten. The second question will be answered by means of a systematic analysis of newspaper coverage of salient conflicts between large industrial actors and small companies.
The project is expected to contribute knowledge that can help eco-entrepreneurs to succeed in acquiring resources. Furthermore, it will provide a deeper understanding for, for example, municipalities, regulators or policy makers on how legitimacy processes work and what strategies different actors use. Ultimately, the project will contribute to a societal transformation where big business interests are less likely to dominate the discourse and ultimately the green transition.