Perspective-taking in future police officers: effects of training and practice
Research project
This longitudinal research project has the purpose to measure empathic ability, especially the aspect perspective taking
This longitudinal research project has the purpose to measure empathic ability, especially the aspect perspective taking, and study if and how is changing during police training, with special focus on what happens when police recruits are exposed to professional practice.
Project overview
Project period:
2017-01-01 –
Participating departments and units at Umeå University
This longitudinal research project has the purpose to measure empathic ability, especially the aspect perspective taking, and study if and how is changing during police training, with special focus on what happens when police recruits are exposed to professional practice.
Since it is important to make correct inferences and conclusions, a second purpose is to investigate the validity of the interpretations made from the instruments that are used. This contributes with valuable information for further research on empathy and perspective taking, and how such constructs can be measured