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Lempinen, H., “Energy transition as cultural trauma: the making and unmaking of Finland's energy peat industry”. In Cultural landscapes of energy in Europe (Routledge; eds. Geering & Meyer),

Lempinen, H., “Complex dynamics of energy transitions in the Arctic.”  In Handbook of energy transitions in the Arctic (Routledge; eds. Poelzer et al),


Sandström, C., (2024) “Green transformation or green colonialism – contrasting perspectives on how to address the climate and nature crisis” Utmark, 1. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1843345/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Lempinen, H. (2024) “Energy transition in the shadow of a war of aggression". In  Eastern Studies 31(1):31-33. https://doi.org/10.33345/idantutkimus.142976

Svensson, J., Neumann, W., Bjärstig, T., & Thellbro, C. (2023). Wind power distribution across subalpine, boreal, and temperate landscapes. Ecology and Society, 28(4).

Latest update: 2024-06-27