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Paving the road for introducing renewable energy carriers in large industries (BetSim2)

Research project In this project, basic research on thermochemical energy conversion is linked to large-scale applications. The knowledge transfer is mainly aimed at carbonate stone processing industries (quicklime and cement), and new processes for the production and storage of bio-hydrogen.

The undertakings by the researchers all aim at supporting the technical development of thermochemical conversion of forest-based biomass, side streams, recycled fibers, underutilized fractions, and to make the corresponding technologies competitive to those for fossil fuels. This is done by performing high quality problem motivated basic and applied research.

Head of project

Matias Eriksson
Adjunct associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

2022-01-01 2023-12-31

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Applied Physics and Electronics

Research area

Chemical sciences, Energy engineering

Project description

In the ongoing activities we have identified important bottleneck questions that for solving need the complementing competences and research infrastructures available within Bio4Energy. In the present project we have targeted key areas directly related to industrial processes where the projects have a great potential to contribute to increasing the use
of renewable energy carriers.

Latest update: 2023-04-13