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Nutritional status and nutritional problems in patients with chronic kidney disease treated with hemodialysis

PhD project The overall aim for this research project is to investigate how the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition, GLIM, criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition should be operationalized in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) treated with hemodialysis.

Malnutrition is a common feature among patients with CKD treated with hemodialysis. Using data from the Swedish renal registry, SNR, and from medical records, we will assess and explore how accuracy and predictability are affected depending on how the different criteria of GLIM are operationalized, with focus on the phenotypic criterion muscle mass.

Doctoral student

Mikaela Dietrichson
Doctoral student

Project overview

Project period:

2024-08-01 2028-08-31

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Food, Nutrition and Culinary Science

Research area

Food, Nutrition and Culinary Science
  • Project members
    Sandra Einarsson
    Associate professor

    External project members

    Ylva Orrevall Docent, Registered dietitian, Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institute and Women’s Health and Allied Health Professionals, Clinical Nutrition, Karolinska University Hospital
    Karin Windahl PhD, Registered dietitian, Division of Renal Medicine Karolinska Institute and Division of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Danderyds hospital
    Harriët Jager-Wittenaar Professor, Registered dietitian, University of Applied Sciences Groningen, Research Group Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care and Nursing, Groningen, The Netherlands; Radboud University Medical Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Dietetics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Department Physiotherapy and Human Anatomy, Research Unit Experimental Anatomy, Brussels, Belgium
    Jenny Stenberg PhD, Registered nurse, Uppsala University hospital

Project description

Malnutrition is prevalent in chronic kidney disease (CKD), although the reported prevalence varies due to different screening- and assessment methods used. Regardless of that, the prevalence is higher in later stages of CKD.

In this study, we will assess all five GLIM criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition in patients with CKD treated with hemodialysis. This will be done by collecting data from the Swedish renal registry, SNR, and from medical records at one university hospital in Sweden. We will explore how both accuracy and predictive ability is affected depending on how the different GLIM criteria are operationalized and also investigate how different combinations of the GLIM criteria affect outcomes for this population. We will also specifically investigate how the prevalence of malnutrition change depending on how the muscle mass criterion is operationalized and incorporated in the malnutrition assessment and diagnosis. Muscle mass assessment will be done using bioimpedance spectroscopy and calf circumference measurements.

In this study, we intend to clarify how the GLIM criteria should be used for this population. This because malnutrition is a common feature among patients with CKD, and the consequences of malnutrition cause a burden for both patients and the health care system. Therefore, it is paramount to correctly identify patients with malnutrition to prevent these consequences.

Latest update: 2024-09-03