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Music and politics in Sweden during the 1970’s

Research project During the 1970’s there was a particular politicization of music in Sweden. Genres and performances were discussed in political terms, record companies started from, and were classified according to political ideas.

The support of music by the state, municipalities and the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation was scrutinized and changes were demanded on political grounds, pop artists were interrogated by mass media on their political standings.There was made a lot of music of a supposed (left-wing) political nature, which could be seen direct in song lyrics or through the presentation of the music. The aim is to study this politicization, partly from a broad perspective of contemporary ideas and culture, partly as a close analysis of how musical works were politicised in conception, performance and reception.

Head of project

Alf Arvidsson
Professor emeritus

Project overview

Project period:

2005-05-01 2007-12-31


Finansår , 2004

huvudman: Alf Arvidsson, finansiar: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, y2004: 950,

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Culture and Media Studies

Research area


Project description

During the 1970’s there was a particular politicization of music in Sweden. Genres and performances were discussed in political terms, record companies started from, and were classified according to political ideas, the support of music by the state, municipalities and the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation was scrutinized and changes were demanded on political grounds, pop artists were interrogated by mass media on their political standings. There was made a lot of music of a supposed (left-wing) political nature, which could be seen direct in song lyrics or through the presentation of the music.
The aim is to study this politicization, partly from a broad perspective of contemporary ideas and culture, partly as a close analysis of how musical works were politicised in conception, performance and reception. Politicization is seen as both an esthetic standpoint and as a strategy in a social field. What questions were considered political, how were they transformed into actions and standpoints concerning music, how were musical questions raised to a political level? What were the musical results?
The politicization of music will be studied within three overlapping contexts. As a course of events within the public musical life; as part of a politization of the cultural life; and as a form of political practice for left-wing organisations. In all areas a discourse-analytical perspective will be held.
Latest update: 2018-06-20