Research project Multiplayers’ partnerships aim to ensure meaningful engagement with science and research (MULTIPLIERS).
MULTIPLIERS promotes Open Schooling across Europe, a new way to learn that makes science more meaningful and directly relevant to everyday life and real-world challenges. The project is a EU financed CSA project within H2020 coordinated by the University of Bonn, Germany.
Science is one of the pillars of modern society, and as such, is deeply interwoven with societal and environmental challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. In schools, however, it is often presented to students in an abstract way, lacking practical context. To make science more tangible and appealing, the MULTIPLIERS Horizon 2020 project is establishing novel Open Science Communities (OSCs), expanding opportunities for science learning in collaboration with schools, universities, informal education providers, museums, local associations, industry, civil society, policymakers and media across six European countries. The OSC communities will develop and implement science projects with real-life challenges in schools, where students can interact with science experts. Via open community events and activities, they will then share their findings and experiences with their families and communities, acting as science multipliers.
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