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Mobile Phone Orchestra

Research project In this project artistic researcher and composer Anders Lind explores a mobile phone orchestra model, addressing youths as performers, within contemporary art music.

The project is linked to the overall field of New Media Art. Research is conducted within the field of New Interfaces for Musical Expressions (NIME) intersecting areas as; participatory art, mobile music, audience participation and animated notation.

Head of project

Anders Lind
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2019-01-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Creative Studies

Research area

Digital humanities

Project description

The performance model mobilephoneorchestra.com is developed by Lind in collaboration with a programmer and a graphic designer. The model challenges a number of conventional norms for a music performance. Young people aged 15-18 are active musicians. They use the mobile phone as musical instrument. They perform polyphonic electronic sounds. They play together with professional musicians (who use traditional instruments). Such changes in norms for a performance require new types of instruments, new approaches for notation, new ways of conducting, which entail the need for a broadened view of music composition and performance practice. Through expressive composition and performance, this project intends to explore artistic possibilities and limitations with a novel mobile phone orchestra model as a new practice for performing contemporary art music. Further, this project aims to generate new knowledge on performance mediums (instrument, score, conductor) suitable for target groups who may not understand the complex musical codes embedded in the traditional score and conductor mediums. The research is conducted through several short iterations. A media ecology theoretical perspective is guiding the research processes. Lind´s work on this mobile phone orchestra model has so far generated artistic publications (compositions and performances) and research outputs in international contexts.

Videoclip: https://youtu.be/Zfc_2eYDFmk

Selection of publications and artistic outputs related to the project:

Lind, Anders., Yttergren, B., & Gustafson, H. 2021. Challenges in the Development of an Easy-Accessed Mobile Phone Orchestra Platform. Web Audio Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2021.

Lind, Anders. 2020. Voltage Controlled String Orchestra. Music for string orchestra, mobile phone orchestra and analogue synthesizers. Premiered by Slovenian philharmonic string orchestra in Maribor, Slovenia. 2020. Recording published on European Gramophone 2021: https://music.amazon.in/albums/B08THXS37D retrieved 2022.03.14

Lind, Anders. 2022. Music for the Mobile Phone Orchestra, String Orchestra and Analogue Synthesizers: An Evaluation of a Concert Hall Performance Including 15-year-old non-musicians as performers. Innovation in Music 2022, Stockholm, Sweden (2022-06-18)

Lind, Anders. 2019. Den Första Resan. Performance of conceptual concert for mobile phone orchestra + animated notation and three soloists. Premiered by 40 school children as mobile phone orchestra and Magdalena Meitzner (percussion), Karin Hellqvist (violin), Anna Christensson (piano) at Malmö LIVE, Sweden 2019. https://youtu.be/Zfc_2eYDFmk retrieved 2022.03.14

Lind, Anders. 2019. Uphonia. Performance of music for Sinfonietta (2222, 2200, 1 Perc, Strings) + Mobile Phone Orchestra + Animated Notation. Duration 17:30. Premiered by Sinfonietta Riga and Mobile Phone Orchestra (30 students in Riga), conductor Arturs Gailis. 2019-01-11. https://youtu.be/lsX27q9MyqE retrieved 2023.02.12

Lind, Anders. 2018. Animated notation in multiple parts for crowd of non-professional performers. In NIME 2018, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA (pp. 13-18). The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.

Lind, Anders. 2019. Mobilephoneorchestra.com. Conference presentation: IRCAM Forum workshop, Paris, France (2019-03-28) https://medias.ircam.fr/x11bfef retrieved 2023.02.12

Lind, Anders. 2018. Voyage one - mobile phone orchestra 2020 conducted by animated notation. Conference presentation: NIME 2018 (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) Blacksburg, Virginia, US (2018-06-05)

Latest update: 2023-06-04