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Making the Difference: Izmir

Research project Using participatory methods to design and build a classroom on the roof of TIAFI Community Centre which provides practical and educational support to Syrian woman and children.

This project will not only improve the lives of two thousand vulnerable refugees but provide new knowledge and best practice as to how architecture and design can engage with one of the most urgent challenges facing our global society.

Head of project

Robert Mull
Part-time lecturer

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2022-01-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

UmArts, Umeå School of Architecture

Project description

Mull, Katapodis and Shirke are researching how displaced populations establish and maintain their identity and wellbeing whilst in transit and during the process of permanent settlement. They are working in the Turkish City of Izmir where Syrian refugees have become trapped following the 2016 EU- Turkey deal. With students from Umeå University and local partners they will use participatory methods to design and build a classroom on the roof of TIAFI Community Centre which provides practical and educational support to Syrian woman and children.

This project will not only improve the lives of two thousand vulnerable refugees but provide new knowledge and best practice as to how architecture and design can engage with one of the most urgent challenges facing our global society. The need is immediate and growing and we are privileged to play a small part in addressing this challenge by realising this project. 


Latest update: 2023-03-24