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Research project The main objective is to develop a support system for healthcare innovations, where more products and services will be achieved through a more efficient chain from research to market.

The project is a collaborative project between VLL, Umeå University, Lycksele Municipality and Västerbotten Region. The purpose of the project is to create bridges between the different actors to develop an innovation support system where more innovative products and services reach the market.

Head of project

Karin Danielsson
Other position, associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

2016-11-30 2019-11-30


EU:s regionala strukturfond, Region Västerbotten, Umeå kommun, Skellefteå kommun

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Informatics

Research area

  • Project members
    Anna Croon
    Associate professor

    External project members

    Västerbottens läns landstings Innovationssluss och MT-FoU, Medicinsk teknik, forskning och utveckling, Sliperiet, näringsliv och samhällsbyggnad vid Region Västerbotten, näringslivskontoret vid Lycksele kommun

Project description

The project is divided into several different sub-goals where one will work a lot with the process and approach from idea to market. The project will initiate arenas for open innovation and make pilots and matchmaking with the region's SMEs. Through the project, SMEs will also gain increased knowledge about building capacity for external funding and allowing innovations to be transformed into new products and services.

The project will be implemented with 5 different work packages / processes based on and dependent on each other. Activities include development of methods and implementation of venues, workshops and selection of ideas and solutions, matchmaking of innovative products and services (academy / SME) and implementation of pilots, microprojects and evaluations.

Through this project, project owners and collaborators want to contribute to more companies in the region, grows and creates jobs and develops health, medical and elderly care. Growth will be achieved by creating a coherent chain from research to market, thereby reducing the time it takes for an idea to be transformed into a product, service or organizational solution

Latest update: 2018-11-15