Impact of forestry on greenhouse gas release from streams
Research project
The aim of the project is to assess the effect of forestry on the GHG emission from boreal streams. We will test hypothesis that forestry has major impacts on stream GHG emissions over the full forest rotation cycle but also that the effects vary depending on forest management practices and variability in climatic conditions
Elisabeth Andersson, The Swedish Forest Agency Anders Eriksson, Sveaskog Erin Hotchkiss, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, US Hjalmar Laudon, SLU Umeå
Project description
The aim of the project is to assess the effect of forestry on the GHG emission from boreal streams. We will test hypothesis that forestry has major impacts on stream GHG emissions over the full forest rotation cycle but also that the effects vary depending on forest management practices and variability in climatic conditions.
The project is based on (1) a detailed study of streams before and after logging and (2) large scale comparative studies of streams with differences in harvested catchment areas (age, extent), riparian buffer zones and climatic conditions. We anticipate that the project will result in better scientific based decisions on the management of forests to mitigate GHG release to atmosphere.