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Evidence based clinical guidelines for acute care of older people with cognitive impairment

Research project The project aims to develop, implement and evaluate evidence based clinical guidelines for acute care of older people with cognitive impairment

We know that older people with cognitive impairments are large consumers of hospital care, and it is also well known that these people often suffer adverse outcomes during their stay at acute care hospitals. This project aims to study current care provision for these people, and to develop and implement evidence based, best practice clinical guidelines for care of this patient group.

Project overview

Project period:

2010-10-05 2012-12-31


Finansår , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

huvudman: David Edvardsson, finansiär: Vetenskapsrådet, y2008: 1278, y2009: 1278, y2010: 1278, y2011: 1278,

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Nursing

Research area

Ageing research, Public health and health care science

Project description

Explorative studies are performed to study to what extent the care provided to older people with cognitive impairments meet the needs associated with cognitive impairment. Areas for improvement will be identified, and evidence based clinical guidelines for best practice care of these patients will be developed and implemented in collaboration with staff. The effects of such an intervention on care will be studied.
Latest update: 2023-04-05