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Image: Madeleine Ramstedt

Environmental biofilms

Research project Microorganisms in environmental systems often exist in the form of multi-species communities for example covering rocks in streams etc. In this project we investigate these microbial systems and how they interact with pollutants.


Head of project

Madeleine Ramstedt
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2018-01-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Chemistry

Research area

Chemical sciences, Environmental chemistry, Marine science

Project description

We currently have two ongoing research projects concerning environmental biofilms. One concerning biofilm interactions with pharmaceuticals and the other biofilm interactions with Hg.

In the first project, we study the interactions between multi-species biofilms in fresh water and pharmaceuticals in the environment. The research consists of three stages: I) Inventory of natural biofilms in a stream affected by wastewater with pharmaceuticals, II) construction of model systems that can reproduce certain aspects of natural biofilms, III) pilot investigation of global biofilm interactions with pharmaceuticals. This work is funded through a project grant from The Swedish Research Council Formas as well a funding from Umeå University and Kempestiftelserna. It was started in 2018 and is a collaboration with Jerker Fick at Umeå University, Mette Burmølle at University of Copenhagen, Denmark and András Gorzás at Umeå University.

The second project deals with increasing fundamental understanding of how biofilms influence the biogeochemical cycling of Hg. This project is done in close collaboration with the group of Erik Björn at the Chemistry department. It is funded through a project grant from the Kempe foundation and started in 2020.

Publications of interest:

2021. Do environmental pharmaceuticals affect the composition of bacterial communities in a freshwater stream? A case study of the Knivsta river in the south of Sweden

2023. Methylmercury formation in biofilms of Geobacter sulfurreducens

2023, Biochemical characterization and mercury methylation capacity of Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms grown in media containing iron hydroxide or fumarate


Latest update: 2025-03-12