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Environmental archaeology at MAL, research and methodological development

Research project The Environmental Archaeology Lab. (MAL) has analysed over 40 000 soil samples geochemically, in addition, a vast amount of plant macrofossil and pollen analyses have been performed by the Lab. The work has provided new insights into the prehistoric cultural and natural environment and the human-environment interactions throughout prehistory. The laboratory has been operating as a National Resource since 1993, and has built up a solid foundation for the scientific study of environmental archaeology. Methodological development, GIS-applications, construction of a database are some of the current and most important issues for the lab.

Project overview

Project period:

1994-01-01 2017-10-01


Finansår , 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

huvudman: MAL, finansiar: VR+uppdrag, y2003: 1165, y2004: 2310, y2005: 1830, y2006: 900, y2007: 1200,

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

Research area

Latest update: 2018-06-20