Research project This project aims to prepare, harmonize and release the Swedish census of 1890 to the national and international research community. In addition we also aim to link the 1890 and 1900 censuses testing and evaluating different methods of record linkage on the Swedish censuses.
The work with encoding the data will be accomplished using an international standard format set by the Minnesota Population Center (MPC) at University of Minnesota, USA ( ). The MPC is an important collaborator and supporter of our application. The planning grant is constructed as a pilot study that will improve our practical and theoretical knowledge in encoding and linking Swedish censuses. The experiences from the pilot study will be incorporated in a full Research Infrastructure application in 2012 that will include all censuses from 1860 to 1910. We anticipate that the SweCens project will have a long lasting effect on Swedish research in the humanities and social sciences. It opens up for Swedish researchers to make international comparisons and for international scholars to do demographic research on Swedish material, thereby strengthening the field of the historical demography of Sweden.
Finansår , 2011
huvudman: Per Axelsson, finansiar: VR, y2011: 1350,
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