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Emerging Technologies and Moral Rights in Copyright– a Strained Relationship?

PhD project Maria is a PhD student with a focus on copyright, with a special interest in the relationship between copyright's moral rights and technology.

My study concerns the relationship between the moral rights in copyright and three different technologies in the form of computer programs, the internet and generative AI. Of interest is how moral rights can be interpreted in the digital environment and how these unharmonized rights can be understood in relation to the EU-harmonized parts of copyright in Scandinavian law.

Doctoral student

Maria Eklund
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

2022-11-01 2027-10-31

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Law

Project description

Technology, such as the internet and generative AI, are today often used as a tool to adapt artistic and literary works and to publish them in contexts not at all predicted when copyright legislation was passed in the 1960s in Scandinavia. Moral rights in copyright protect the more personally coloured aspects of copyright, such as the right to attribution of the author’s name and the right to respect to the artistic work. As a result of the technological development, extensive parts of copyright have been harmonised by EU-law. However, the moral rights in copyright have been excluded from the EU-harmonisation and are primarily regulated at a national level.

In this project I examine the relationship between the moral rights and technology in the form of computer programs, the internet and generative AI. Thereby I analyse how moral rights can be exercised and interpreted in this digital context and which implications the EU-harmonised areas of copyright might have to the unharmonized moral rights in Scandinavian law.


Main supervisor: Markus Naarttijärvi, professor, Umeå University.  

Assistant supervisor: Ulrika Wennersten, associate professor, Lund University.

Latest update: 2024-12-10