Research project Students’ mathematical knowledge is often examined through international comparative studies (e.g. PISA). The results have made great impact in media and on political decisions and it is therefore important that they are as correct as possible.
There are studies showing that the same mathematical task in two different languages might not measure the same knowledge. Students using different languages but with the same mathematical ability might have different probability of solving a particular task (even though they both read it in their own language). The reason can be pure translational errors, but sometimes it has been shown to be inherent properties of the languages that the tasks are formulated in. For example, that some grammatical structures used to formulate mathematical content have different properties in different languages. The project will examine PISA tasks in Swedish, English and German, to determine whether properties of the languages affect the tasks demand of reading ability.
The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences, 2014-2016: SEK 3,489,000