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De facto Center of Excellence in Autonomous Distributed Systems

Research project The Autonomous Distributed Systems Lab is among the most successful cloud research groups in Sweden. With additional support from the Kempe Foundation, we are now able to further advance, using the group's strengths and successful working methods to create an even stronger environment to establish Umeå University as a leader in the field in Europe.

In recent years, the Autonomous Distributed Systems Lab research group has received more than SEK 150 million in funding to successfully deepen its research. The ADS Lab has a central and important role as a partner in the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Distributed Systems and Software Program (WASP), the largest research programme in Sweden, including Chalmers University of Technology, Linköping University and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Our ambition in this project is now to further enhance our expertise and knowledge to establish Umeå University as a European leader in this field.

Head of project

Project overview

Project period:

2023-12-01 2029-04-30

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Computing Science

External funding

The Kempe Foundation

Project description

With funding of SEK 4.8 million from the Kempe Foundation, we can now build on the group's strengths and successful working methods and continue to drive the central role of the field in the future connected society. 

Taking the lead in European cloud research

Our research group is now further reinforced with four prominent research leaders. The ambition is to create an even more dynamic research environment that can compete more vigorously and independently for the largest national and international research grants, and establish Umeå University as a European leader in autonomous systems for managing IT systems.

Aims and objectives

The project aims to further establish and develop our research to produce early results in six sub-areas and present a compelling whole. We already have a strong tradition of interdisciplinary collaborations and well-established contacts with leading international players such as Ericsson Research, Intel Germany, Google, IBM, Haifa Research Lab and Red Hat. Several of our researchers also have excellent experiences in business start-ups with a strong positive impact on society and other businesses. All these achievements help to create a strong foundation for very robust research in autonomous systems for managing computing resources and applications.

Brief background

ADS Lab has been actively involved in the research front for over 15 years and is now expanding the research funded by WASP, the Swedish Research Council, the EU as well as business and industry, including Ericsson, TietoEvry and Intel.

For access to data, the group has a newly established collaboration with Ericsson Research's data centre in Lund, with the immediate aim of creating tools and policies to provide access to system data from the data centre for research purposes, (not user data). Compared to national and international projects, the project has great advantages in the combination of:

  • Have a long history of being well established at the forefront of research and thus have a solid understanding of challenges and opportunities;
  • Well-established international industrial collaborations for the relevance and feedback of planned and conducted research;
  • Strong expertise in leading the research to approach the area in a more holistic way, which is not possible for a limited research group;
  • Have established the research area and enabled its application among Swedish partners in complementary areas such as control engineering, machine learning, mathematical statistics and telecommunications.

Master Programme in Distributed Systems

Our research is a central part of the research at the Department of Computing Science at Umeå University and provides a solid foundation for a future advanced master's programme in distributed systems.

External funding

Latest update: 2024-05-02