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Countering stigma in self-management in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

- co-creation and feasibility of an intervention to improve health

Research project Experiences of stigma can hinder self-management and worsen the health of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD. Self-management is critical to improve health, prevent periods of deterioration, and reduce healthcare costs. There is a lack of knowledge about how people with COPD deal with stigma in relation to self-management, as well as interventions to counter the negative impact of stigma on self-management.

The project aims to develop and evaluate an intervention to counter the impact of stigma on self-management. Three sub-studies will be performed: 1) Workshop study about how people with COPD experience and deal with stigma, 2) Co-creation study with relevant groups to develop an intervention, and 3) A study to evaluate the feasibility of the intervention. Improved self-management in people with COPD can improve health and reduce the burden on the healthcare system. Collaboration with relevant groups during development increases the chance for a successful implementation of the intervention.

Head of project

Sara Lundell
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

2024-01-01 2026-12-31

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation

Research area

Public health and health care science, Sociology

External funding

Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation

Project description

Background: Stigma is a barrier to self-management among people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD. Still research about stigma, self-management and related interventions is missing.

Purpose: The purpose is to develop and assess the feasibility of an intervention to counter the impact of stigma on self-management in people with COPD.

Workplan: The project consists of three consecutive studies, where the findings from each study will contribute to the subsequent studies:

1) Workshop to explore how people with COPD experience and deal with stigma and self-management.

2) Co-creation to develop an intervention to counter the impact of stigma on self-management, with key stakeholders including people with COPD, relatives, healthcare professionals, managers, and decision makers.

3) Combine qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the feasibility of the new intervention and study procedure within healthcare to prepare for an upcoming randomized controlled trial.

The project is financed by The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation and The Strategic Research Area, Health Care Science (SFO-V).

Significance: Within this project, we will combine the two research fields of stigma and self-management in a new way. In addition, we will involve stakeholders in the development of an innovative intervention.

External funding

Latest update: 2024-04-22