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Competences in police profession

PhD project My PhD thesis is part of a European project, RECPOL (Recruitment, Education and Careers in the Police).

One purpose with this project is to increase the understanding of police recruits´ values and attitudes towards the police profession, and how these attitudes are shaped by education and their job experiences.

Head of project

Kirsi Kohlström
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2014-09-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Education, Umeå School of Education, Unit of Police Work

Research area


Project description

Stockholm, Växjö and Umeå. Out of this material, the aim of this PhD study is to increase the understanding of police recruits´ attitudes to different competences and their importance for the police profession. Which competences measures as valuable or less valuable in order to work independently as police officers? Surveys are longitudinal and will be conducted when police recruits´ are working as police officers and ends when they have been working for six years. This makes it possible to compare if attitudes change and why. One important aspect in this PhD study is to relate the results from surveys to educational aspects of learning. What kind of learning do police recruits´ experience during their studies and what kind of learning takes place in working life, and do this affect how respondents value different competences?

First supervisor: Staffan Karp
Second supervisor: Ulrika Haake

Latest update: 2021-10-29