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Co-creative welfare through digitalization

PhD project The public sector is under pressure to both streamline its operations and to improve the quality of its services. Digital service innovation is seen as a way toward achieving these objectives. Hugo Hedlund studies how public actors manage and perform digital service innovation.

The public sector in Sweden faces a number of major challenges for the future. Among these challenges are factors such as the fact that a reduced number of people of working age are to support the growing elderly population. At the same time, the demands on accessible and personal service from the public sector are increasing based on mega trends such as globalization, urbanization and sustainability. Digitalization is seen as one of the ways for the public sector to meet these challenges, both by streamlining internal processes but also by providing the right service at the right time for citizens.

Head of project

Hugo Hedlund
Associate professor (on leave)

Project overview

Project period:

2017-10-01 2021-10-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Informatics

Research area

Latest update: 2018-12-20