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Climate Information System for European Tourism

Research project The ”Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) European Tourism” provides a user-driven climate information system for the tourism sector. By delivering critical pan-European climate indicators (snow conditions, Holiday Climate Index, coastal waters data, lake temperature, forest fires index) the demonstrator aims to facilitate ongoing and long-term adaptation of the sector to a changing climate.

The Service will offer interactive web applications, building upon quality data and tools from the Climate Data Store (CDS). These will be over different timescales including: past climate (reanalysis data), short-term (seasonal forecast products) and long-term (regional climate projections). Data will be made available freely in various ways (mapping, download of raw data, download or graphics based on post-processed information), accounting for user specific needs. The Service is oriented towards a highly diverse set of users, including intermediaries (such as consultancy companies or environment agencies), businesses (such as tour operators or investors in tourist infrastructure and services), destination managers, tourist associations and policy makers.

Project overview

Project period:

2017-10-01 2019-06-30


Cenk Demiroglu

Funding Body: The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences

Research area

Human geography

Project description

Links for more reading

Climate Copernicus European Tourism

Latest update: 2019-09-05