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Image: Kristina Viklund

Assessing the effects of direct measures to reduce eutrophication in a northern Baltic Sea bay

Research project Reducing nutrient loading from land to the coast can be done in various ways. However, there is a lack in knowledge concerning the effect of different types of measures, especially for the northern parts of the Baltic. In this project we closely monitor the effects of nutrient reductions on the biota and biogeochemical processes in a bay in the northern Baltic Sea.

Head of project

Jenny Ask
Environmental analyst

Project overview

Project period:

2019-01-01 2021-12-31


Richertska stiftelsen


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

External partners

SWECO, County Administrative Board Västernorrland

Research area

Ecology, Environmental sciences

Project description

Eutrophication symptoms, such as algal blooms and oxygen depletion, vary along the north-south biogeochemical gradient in the Baltic Sea, with the most severe symptoms in the southern parts. Locally, however, eutrophication is a problem also along the coast in the northern parts of the Baltic Sea. In this project, we aim to reduce nutrient loading to an eutrophicated northern Baltic Sea bay, and to closely monitor the effects of nutrient reductions on the biota and biogeochemical processes in the bay.

Latest update: 2021-03-17