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ANNIKA DOBSZAI - Multiprofessional medication reviews for patients in ordinary living

PhD project participating in the National Research School in General Medicine.

In the last years, the request for medication reviews in primary care for patients in ordinary living has increased but need to be further mapped.

PhD Student

Annika Dobszai
PhD Student, Lund University

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2022-01-01

Project description


Medication treatment contributes to increased survival and better quality of life, but also leads to a risk of drug related problems (DRPs). One method to identify and solve DRPs is medication reviews, a structured methodical evaluation that aims to optimize medication effects and prevent adverse events.

There are studies with positive outcome regarding medication reviews in primary care for patients in Swedish nursing homes, but more research is needed concerning patients in ordinary living. There is reason to believe that these patients also benefit from medication reviews.


The aim of this project is to chart and evaluate medication reviews for patients in ordinary living and to assess a model for these medication reviews.


Data collected from medication reviews in primary care in Skåne County for the target group is used to chart the patients and the identified DRPs. Clinical relevance and acceptance rate are evaluated.

The participants’ experience of the model is assessed through focus groups, questionnaires and interviews.


The purpose of a medication review is increased safety and quality in the drug treatment. Patients in ordinary living are additionally vulnerable compared to those in institutional settings since they don’t have the same supervision from healthcare personnel, regarding for example side effects. With more knowledge, medication reviews might be performed to a larger extent for patients in ordinary living.

University affiliation

Lund University

Main supervisor

Sara Modig, Associate professor, GP

Latest update: 2022-04-29