A network for Comparative Research on Addiction Treatment (CRAT)
Research project
The aim of this effort is to initiate an international network for Comparative Research on Addiction Treatment (CRAT).
The network will connect about 15 researchers from different universities and disciplines (e.g. social work, statistics, psychology, public health, psychiatry and medicine) in Sweden and USA. Researchers in the network will focus on comparative research on the effectiveness, access and utilization of addiction treatment – primarily statistical analyses of large-scale, national, data registers. Common interests and areas of expertise among the members of the network are the study of conditions for, content of and effects of treatment for substance use disorders.
The aim of this effort is to initiate an international network for Comparative Research on Addiction Treatment (CRAT). The network will connect about 15 researchers from different universities and disciplines (e.g. social work, statistics, psychology, public health, psychiatry and medicine) in Sweden and USA. Researchers in the network will focus on comparative research on the effectiveness, access and utilization of addiction treatment – primarily statistical analyses of large-scale, national, data registers. Common interests and areas of expertise among the members of the network are the study of conditions for, content of and effects of treatment for substance use disorders.
The aims of the network are: - to initiate and conduct comparative research on access, use and effectiveness of addiction treatment. - to exchange knowledge and experiences between researchers within the network - to advance the theoretical and methodological state-of-the-art in the field - to disseminate knowledge about our research within as well as outside academia