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Research groups


UMEå university ACtivities in later life
UME-ACT focuses on developing knowledge about occupations (meaningful activities) and its impact on health and well-being among seniors. Among othe...
Uwe Sauer Lab
Structural biology and bioinformatics to understand processes in proteins: folding, stability, interactions.
Vasili Hauryliuk Group
The group studies ibosome-associated factors involved in stress responses and antibiotic resistance
Research group that focus on how human health is affected by cold, ergonomics and vibrations in working life.
Verena Kohler lab
Implications of ageing and disease on cellular protein quality control
Victims of Crime in the Judicial System
The research is mainly concerned with different aspects of the rights of crime victims.
Research area: Law
Victoria Shingler Lab
Our research concerns bacterial signal-sensing and Integration
Research area: Infection biology
Work, organisation, and society
Within the profile area we conduct research that are thematically oriented to the sustainable work.
XAI – Explainable AI
Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly used in society, business and industry. Explanatory AI is about making the decisions or actions...
Research area: Computing science
Ya-Fang Mei Lab
Our research group studies novel oncolytic adenovirus 11p vectors in the treatment of human solid tumors.
Research area: Cancer, Infection biology
Yaowen Wu Lab
Chemical and chemo-optogenetic approach on autophagy and membrane trafficking regulated by small GTPases.
Research area: Cancer, Infection biology
Yuri Schwartz lab
Yuri Schwartz lab studies molecular epigenetics.
Åke Forsberg Lab
Our group studies molecular mechanism of Type III secretion systems.
Research area: Infection biology
Åsa Gylfe Lab
We research about novel antibacterial strategies for treatment of Chlamydia.
Research area: Infection biology