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Research groups


The Economic Policy Network
Economic policy has been a common theme for much of the research produced in Economics at Umeå University during the latest two decades. It is also...
Research area: Economics
The Individual and Society
In order to understand food’s importance in relation to the individual and society, it has to be studied in context.
The Laser Physics Group
Leader of the research group is Professor Ove Axner.
Research area: Physical sciences
The Syntax Network
The Syntax Network is a research group with researchers from Lund University, Gothenburg University, Linköping University and Umeå University. With...
Research area: Language studies
Theme Equity in Health
A meeting platform for doctoral students, senior researchers, and others interested in the topic.
Theme Qualitative methods
A meeting platform for doctoral students, researchers and teachers who are interested in qualitative methods.
Thermochemical Energy Conversion Laboratory (TEC-Lab)
The research area is within thermochemical energy conversion, mainly focusing on biomass but also on other solid and liquid fuels. The fundamental...
Research area: Energy engineering
Thomas Borén lab
Helicobacter pylori, Adhesion and Patho-Adaptation.
Thomas Brännström Lab
Our research centers on the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Research area: Clinical medicine
Thomas Grundström lab
We try to understand the control of mutagenesis and class switch recombination of antibody genes.
Research area: Cancer, Infection biology
Thomas Wågberg lab
Synthesis and characterization of various types of nanomaterials.
Tor Ny Lab
Currently, we work mainly on the role of plasminogen in wound healing.
Torbjörn Nilsson Lab
Regulation of mitochondrial metabolism and its importance for diabetes, other dysmetabolic states, and drug resistance.