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Artificial intelligence at Umeå University

AI, or artificial intelligence, is about systems and technologies that can analyze their environment and more or less independently take action to achieve a specific goal. At Umeå University, research and education in AI has been conducted since the 1970s. Today, close to 100 researchers and teachers work in the field of AI and they are found at all faculties - medicine, science, social sciences and humanities.

Latest news on AI at Umeå university

AI-related activities by students, for students

TAIGA is welcoming students to organize AI-related activities for other students.

En man står på en bro med händerna i fickorna
People's interpretations central in new framework for evaluating AI

Anton Eklund he has developed an evaluation framework to support organizations in the evaluation of AI.

Open talk on transdisciplinary AI in Galaxen

Fireside talk creates a space for researchers from different disciplines to meet and discuss the field of AI.

Föreläsning på workshop om Regional AI-strategi
Regional AI Policy development in Västerbotten

Umeå University hosted a seminar aimed at developing a AI policy and framework for Västerbotten region.

Doktorand Oliver Larsson i kort hår och glasögon, iklädd varm kappa, utomhus.
Computer scientist new representative in IVA

Oliver Larsson new representative in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' Student Council.

två personer pratar inför publik i mörkt rum
AI and Wicked Problems - Symposium on difficult dilemmas of AI

On October 17-18, TAIGA held a symposium on AI and complex societal problems.

SK visar upp sin avhandling.
New Algorithms Increase the Privacy of Sensitive Data

Personal data can now be kept more securely than before, that is the finding of Saloni Kwatras thesis.

Professor Diego Calvanese appointed to lead one of the world's most prestigious AI conferences

WASP Professor Diego Calvanese, Department of Computing Science, will lead the world's largest AI conference.

Ulf Hedestig och Mikael Söderström, Informatik vid Umeå universitet
AI and Digitalization in focus at Digital Impact North Summit 2024

Lectures, workshops and networking were on the schedule when Digital Impact North Summit 2024 was arranged.

AI Research

Umeå University has world-leading researchers who work in national and international AI-projects.
Major research programs

Many of our AI projects fall under major national research programs.

Researchers and teachers engaged in artificial intelligence at Umeå University

Nearly 100 researchers and teachers at Umeå University are involved in areas related to AI.

En tjen står i en medicinsk miljö
AI projects

Read more about Umeå University's research in AI that spans a large number of areas.

Education, training and collaboration within AI

At Umeå University, you can take courses and training to increase your competence in AI. We also collaborate with companies and organizations.
AI Network

Collaborations in various forms are very important for the development of AI.

Bild med texten "#frAIday seminar series about AI" och logotyp för Umeå Universitet och TAIGA, med en grågrön bakgrund
All You Want to Know About AI!

A seminar series arranged by TAIGA, Centre for Transdisciplinary AI.

Study AI at Umeå University

Over 50 years of experience in AI research and education!

More on AI

Virginia Dignum, professor vid Institutionen för datavetenskap
Professor: How we reduce the risks with AI

Virginia Dignum is working to develop AI systems that are reliable and adapted to human values.

“I’ve learned a lot about the different directions to pursue after my studies”

Meet Joost Vossers, master's student in Artificial Intelligence from the Netherlands.

IT manager returns to his roots in the Industrial Doctoral School

Region Västerbotten is investing in AI research in close collaboration with the University.

Communications officers

Per Melander
Communications officer
Victoria Skeidsvoll
Communications officer
Latest update: 2024-09-30