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Image: Elin Berge
Umeå University researchers disseminate their knowledge and their research outside the University through various events and public lectures.
In our calendar, you can read about upcoming public lectures.
Defence of doctoral thesis. A systems biology single cell approach for querying the differentiation of immune system and antiviral response
Defence of doctoral thesis. Perspectives on concurrent jaw and neck pain: function, development and perceptions.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Pesticides in Cambodia; usage and fate.
Defence of doctoral thesis. App-based self-management of urgency and mixed urinary incontinence in women.
Defence of doctoral thesis. The influence of riparian zone heterogeneity on land-water connections in boreal headwaters.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Advanced crosslinking for keratoconus and low-grade myopia.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Finding a target on DNA: Interplay between the genomic sequence and 3D structure.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Promoting epistemic justice through kindness and reflective practice.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Marine food webs under changing climate- Impacts on food web efficiency and quality.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Potent and selective molecules targeting vector-born infectious diseases.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Extensions and applications of item response theory
Defence of doctoral thesis. The Role of Myoblasts in Healing tendon Tissue