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Research news

Väg genom by där marken rämnat.
Permafrost thaw threatens up to three million people in the Arctic

Climate change is expected to have far-reaching implications for livelihoods, infrastructure and environment.

Ryo Morimoto collects snails from the aquarium.
The evolution of the immune system – love at first sight

Ryo Morimoto introduces snails as model system in Umeå for evolutionary studies of the immune system.

Three researchers walking over a frozen fjord in the documentary "Fjords Frontiers: Digging into the future of climate change".
New documentary on the challenges of climate research

The scientists take viewers on a journey below Rosfjordsvatnet's icecovered surface.

Tre porträttbilder på personer som ler mot kameran
New members in the Swedish Research Council’s scientific councils

Three professors from Umeå University newly appointed members of the Scientific councils.

En julgran med röda julkulor i skogen
The science behind Christmas trees: How conifers brave winter's worst

Christmas trees bring joy into our lives, but also endure extremely harsh conditions in the forest.

Gruppbild inomhus
Research schools in the infection area – grand slam to Umeå

The Swedish Research Council awards Umeå University 16 million SEK to two national research schools.

Recent feature articles

Illustration gensax
From the Umeå lab to around the world – how genetic scissors are now being used

Key pieces of the puzzle for the gene scissors were discovered in Umeå. The tool is used for many things.

Porträtt på Niklas Eklund
Arctic Six project strives for a more secure future for the Arctic

Arctic Six Chair Niklas Eklund will address security issues and lead the work for Arctic Security forward.

Gerard Rocher RosInstitutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap
From land to sea with a focus on the climate

Gerard Rocher-Ros wants to understand the flow of carbon and nutrients to find solutions to climate change.

Armando F J Perez
Exploring the future of food and nutrition in the Arctic

Arctic Six Chair, Professor Armando Perez-Cueto, will explore sustainable food transitions in the Arctic.

Porträtt på Keith Larson, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap, Umeå universitet.
Leading the Arctic Centre into a new era of collaboration and impact

Keith Larson aims to make a real impact in the Arctic by forging stronger links between research and society.

Daniel Metcalfe
Arctic Six project will reveal forests’ role in climate change

Daniel Metcalfe will initiate a research project on measuring carbon stocks and fluxes in Arctic forests.