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Qi Zhang's research shows how the atmosphere on Mars has evolved over time and may look like in the future.
SciLifeLab site Umeå celebrates 16 new Group Leaders with cake and a get-together.
Infectious disease doctors became significantly more infected than other doctors during the pandemic.
The conference aims to promote collaboration between academia and industry and drive innovation.
By opening up pollen grains, a technique developed in Umeå, scientists found clues to pollen's expiration date
Resistant spores can cause food poisoning and infections via, for example, dairy products.
Her advice to prospective students: embrace the opportunity for growth and new experiences.
Arctic Six Chair Danielle Wilde explores ways to reimagine the role of food and food practices in the Arctic.
Studies on metaphors in English show that love is often described in terms like a commodity.
Tatiana's journey is a testament to how education, culture, and passion can shape an inspiring career.
Umeå University has been tasked with designing and developing the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test since 1977.
Arctic Six Chair Björn Norlin will investigate Sámi content in teacher education at northern universities.
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