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For cryo-EM service, project support and information, please contact: cryoem_umea@lists.umu.se

Titan Krios 300 kV cryo-TEM

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  • Location:

UCEM facility in KBC building - Map to UCEM can be found here

  • Technical Specification: 

- Accelerating voltage: Operating at 300 kV
- Electron source: X-FEG
- Detector: Falcon 4i direct electron detector combined with Selectris (energy filer), Falcon3 4k x 4k direct electron detector, Ceta 4k x 4k CMOS
- Configurations: Autoloder for 12 grids, Volta phase plate, data collection at cryo conditions
- Data acquisition software: EPU, Tomography, SerialEM, Maps, TIA and Velox

Glacios 200 kV cryo-TEM

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  • Location:

UCEM facility in KBC building - Map to UCEM can be found here

  • Technical Specification:

- Autoloder for 12 cryo-EM grids
- Accelerating voltage: Operating at 200 kV
- Electron emitter: High-brightness field emission gun (X-FEG)
- Detector: Falcon 4i Direct Electron Detector 4k x 4k pixels, CETA-D 4k x 4k CMOS
- Data collection software: EPU, Tomography, Maps, SerialEM, Velox, MicroED

Scios DualBeam (FIB-SEM)

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  • Location:

UCEM facility in KBC building - Map to UCEM can be found here

  • Technical Specification:

- Accelerating voltage: 20 V - 30 kV (EB); 500 V - 30 kV (IB)
- Electron emitter: Thermal field emission
- Ion emitter: Ga LMIS
- Resolution (optimal WD): 1.6 nm @ 1 kV
- Detector: Trinity T1/T2, ET-SE, ICE, DBS, CCD, Nav-Cam
- Stage configuration: 5-axes eucentric motorized
- System control: xT GUI with additional options (GIS, Micromanipulator, Plasma coater, ASV, AutoFIB, AutoTEM)
- System mode: High-vacuum @ RT or cryogenic temperature

FEI Talos L120C

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  • Location:

UCEM facility in KBC building - Map to UCEM can be found here

  • Technical Specification:

- Accelerating voltage: Operating at 120 kV
- Electron source: LaB6 filament
- Detector: Ceta 4k x 4k CMOS
- Data acquisition software: Velox, Tomography, Maps and SerialEM
- Tomography high tilt holder -70 to 70 °
- Gatan 626 cryo holder

Leica Cryo Thunder

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Wide-field light microscope for imaging and analysis of Cryo-samples which can be further processed for Electron microscopy analysis.

  • Location:

UCEM facility in KBC building - Map to UCEM can be found here

  • Technical Specification:

- Leica DM6 FS
- Cryo objective (0.28 mm): 50x/0.9
- 4.2 MP sCMOS camera
- Motorised Cryo-stage
- Cryo transfer shuttle
- Filter sets:
  DAPI - Ex 350/50, D 400(LP), Em 460/50
  GFP -  Ex 470/40, D 495, Em 525/50
  TXR -  Ex 560/40, D 585 (LP), Em 630/75

Cryo-EM Specimen Preparation


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  • Technical Specification:

Vitrobot automates the vitrification process to provide fast, easy, reproducible sample preparation - the first step in obtaining cryo-EM images.

- User-defined settings ensure maximum flexibility
- Automated and reproducible vitrification of suspensions on grids
- Controlled humidity and temperature environment
- Plunge freezing in liquid ethane or ethane-propane mixture

Glow discharge PELCO easiGlow

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  • Technical Specification:

For glow discharge applications, making TEM support films or grids hydrophilic using air, the PELCO easiGlow™ uses an automated and quick cycle with fully selectable parameters. The microprocessor controlled system also offers full manual control for all parameters and an advanced protocol programming feature for custom designed glow discharge applications. Parameters and protocols can be stored.

- Optimized for cleaning TEM grids
- Auto, programmed and manual mode
- Supports hydrophilic/hydrophobic and negative/positive modes

Latest update: 2024-08-22