UCEM has four Scanning Electron Microscopes:
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) from Carl Zeiss
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Level 5 KBC - C Building - Map to KBC can be found here
- Accelerating voltage: 20 V - 30 kV
- Electron emitter: Thermal field emission
- Resolution (optimal WD): 1.4 nm @ 1 kV; 0.6 nm @ 30 kV (STEM mode)
- Detector: In-lens SE, ET-SE, BSD, EsB, STEM, CCD, EDS
- Stage configuration: 5-axes eucentric motorized
- System control: SmartSEM GUISystem mode: High-vacuum @ RT or cryogenic temperature
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) from Carl Zeiss
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Level 5 KBC - C Building - Map to KBC can be found here
- Accelerating voltage: 200 V - 30 k
- Electron emitter: LaB6 crystalResolution (optimal WD): 9 nm @ 1 kV; 2 nm @ 30 kV
- Stage configuration: 5-axes motorized
- System control: SmartSEM GUISystem mode: High-vacuum or variable/extended pressure (10-3000 Pa), RT or high-temperature (<1500 degree Celcius)
The Thermo Scientific™ Scios™ DualBeam™
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UCEM facility in KBC building - Map to UCEM can be found at this link
- Accelerating voltage: 200 V - 30 kV (EB); 500 V - 30 kV (IB)
- Electron emitter: Thermal field emission
- Ion emitter: Ga LMIS
- Detector: Trinity T1/T2, ET-SE, ICE, DBS, CCD, Nav-Cam
- Stage configuration: 5-axes eucentric motorized
- System control: xT GUI with additional options (GIS, ASV, AutoFIB, AutoTEM)
- System mode: High-vacuum @ RT
- Electron Optics with 1.4 nm resolution at 1 kV and 1 pA – 400 nA beam current range
- Ion Optics with 3.0nm resolution at 30 kV and 1.5 pA – 65 nA beam current range
- ELPHY Plus electron beam lithography system (20 MHz pattering frequency, 1 ns dwell time increment)
The Thermo Scientific™ Aquilos 2 Cryo-FIB
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