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Location:UCEM facility in KBC building - Map to UCEM can be found here
Technical Specification:
Accelerating voltage: Operating at 300 kV
Electron source: X-FEG
Detector: Ceta 4k x 4k CMOS, Falcon3 4k x 4k direct electron detector, Gatan K2 BioQuantum (energy filter) 4k x 4k direct electron detector
Configurations: Autoloder for 12 grids, Volta phase plate, data collection at cryo conditions
Data acquisition software: TIA, EPU, Tomography, Gatan Digital Micrograph, SerialEM
Accelerating voltage: 20 V - 30 kV (EB); 500 V - 30 kV (IB)
Electron emitter: Thermal field emission
Ion emitter: Ga LMIS
Resolution (optimal WD): 1.6 nm @ 1 kV
Detector: Trinity T1/T2, ET-SE, ICE, DBS, CCD, Nav-Cam
Stage configuration: 5-axes eucentric motorized
System control: xT GUI with additional options (GIS, Micromanipulator, Plasma coater, ASV, AutoFIB, AutoTEM)
System mode: High-vacuum @ RT or cryogenic temperature
Accelerating voltage: Operating at 120 kV
Electron source: LaB6 filament
Detector: Ceta 4k x 4k CMOS
Data acquisition software: Velox, Tomography, Maps and SerialEM
Tomography high tilt holder -70 to 70 °
Gatan 626 cryo holder
Wide-field light microscope for imaging and analysis of Cryo-samples which can be further processed for Electron microscopy analysis.
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) from Carl Zeiss
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