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Trace Analysis Platform (TAP)

Research infrastructure The trace analysis platform (TAP) at the Department of Chemistry, Umeå University aims to provide state-of-the-art equipment, instrumentation, user training and support for trace analysis of small molecules in complex matrices, such as environmental and biological samples.

It supports qualitative and quantitative analysis of metals, organic compounds, organo-metallic compounds, and isotope ratios of trace gases. There is support for both total concentrations and speciation for metals and organo-metallic compounds.

The platform primarily provides access to instrumentation, but can also provide analytical services and operator training. The services may include: design of experiments, sample preparation, instrumental analysis and interpretation of data.

Service is provided at three different levels:

  • Seed projects (a few samples)
  • Small projects (10s of samples)
  • Projects and long-term service (100s of samples)

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Co-ordinator ICP-MS

Co-ordinator GC-MS

Co-ordinator LC-MS

Co-ordinator Isotop Ratio MS

Latest update: 2021-03-05