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SwedPop: Swedish population databases for research

Research infrastructure SwedPop is a national research infrastructure, coordinating and disseminating data from the most significant Swedish historical population databases for research.

The infrastructure is supported by the Swedish Research Council and a consortium including the Universities in Umeå, Lund and Gothenburg, the Swedish National Archive, and the Stockholm City Archive.

The core in SwedPop are the population databases at the

  1. Demographic Data Base, Umeå University;
  2. The Scanian Economic-Demographic Database, Lund university;
  3. the Gothenburg Population Panel, Gothenburg university:
  4. the SweCens-database, Swedish National Archive, and the
  5. Roteman database, Stockholm City Archive.

Data in SwedPop consists of linked longitudinal population data on the individual- and family level, panel data from the Swedish National Censuses and from the city of Gothenburg. With a high level of detail and a large geographical coverage, the data is suitable for both large-scale and micro-historical studies. Together the databases provide information about large parts of the Swedish population in the 1900 and 2000th centuries, and the data can be further extended in time by a linkage to more recent population- and research registers.

Data in SwedPop is disseminated in a common database format and with harmonized coding schemes, facilitating comparative studies.


Data without personal information can be downloaded for free at https://swedpop.se/

Data with personal information is disseminated on demand according to restrictions in the GDPR and OSL.


User guides and FAQ are available on SwedPops website where you will also find a contact form for requesting data and individual support

Contact SwedPop

Please use the contact form on SwedPops website https://swedpop.se



External funding

Latest update: 2024-05-14