Research infrastructure
The national research infrastructure Språkbanken CLARIN is aimed at researchers working with speech or text-based materials
About Språkbanken CLARIN
Språkbanken (The Language Bank of Sweden) CLARIN is a virtual research infrastructure that provides national support for researchers’ use of speech and text technology and resources based on speech and text materials to solve research tasks. The aim is to promote new research using digital linguistic tools. The activities support the availability of speech and text-based methods and resources in all disciplines that base their research on linguistic materials.
The infrastructure is a collaboration between Umeå University, the University of Gothenburg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, the Institute for Language and Folklore, Uppsala University, Lund University, Stockholm University, the National Library of Sweden, Linköping University, and the National Archives, and is co-financed by the Swedish Research Council. Under the name SweCLARIN, the collaboration is a node in the European research infrastructure CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) ERIC and thus has connections to other similar European infrastructures.
The consortium members work to make language technology tools and materials, such as text collections, corpora, lexicons, and audio recordings, available for broad use in all scientific fields.
The infrastructure is available to researchers in all disciplines. National access to the infrastructure’s tools is ensured through the SWAMID collaboration for academic login to virtual resources. The node included in Språkbanken CLARIN can often participate as a partner and support research projects with expertise.
At Umeå University, Språkbanken CLARIN’s activities are located at Humlab. Humlab’s collaboration with other nodes within Språkbanken CLARIN and the shared goal of strengthening research nationally and multidisciplinary creates a pathway to expertise and a solid foundation for strong national collaborations. The research infrastructure can undertake processing tasks for material nationally after the necessary agreements regarding data responsibility, etc., have been established; however, for larger storage needs or processing, a user fee may apply.