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NMR Core facility

Research infrastructure This infrastructure is based on a number of spectrometers (360-850 MHz) and provides support for NMR analysis of a wide variety of samples, everything from small organic molecules to proteins and new materials for materials science . The infrastructure is a node in the national networks SciLife Lab, SwedNMR and the Swedish NMR Centre.

Based on major funding by Wallenberg and Kempe, the NMR platform provides access to modern instruments, perfectly suited for most NMR applications, both in solution and in solid-state. Recent additions to the platform setup include a 0.7 mm ultra-fast MAS probe which was installed during 2020 on our 850 MHz spectrometer and the world first cryo-MAS probe (both for solid state NMR) installed on the 600 MHz system in November 2022. The platform provides service and access to all KBC and Campus groups, as well as training in state-of-the-art NMR methodology. In addition, it has an open-access policy for academic/industrial partners at a national/international level.

About Us

General information on staff, funding and outlook of the NMR Platform.

Equipment at the NMR Platform

Detailed information on the available Equipment at the NMR Platform.

User Fees

Rates and fees for projects and samples

Connected to this facility is an internationally well recognized, highly collaborative NMR community at UmU (ca. 15 groups) who cover a wide scope of basic and applied research including:

  • Biofluid and tissue NMR Metabolomics
  • Solid State NMR applications for material and environmental sciences
  • Solid and Liquid state membrane lipids and proteins NMR
  • Protein dynamics and folding
  • Protein-ligand interaction studies
  • Fragment-based Screening (FBS)
  • Plant cell wall structure
  • NMR methods development

The platform acts as a core facility for several major research projects (Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, and Bio4energy).

NMR time booking

You can book NMR time on our machines using the Chemistry Department resource booking. Please note that you need to either be in the premises or use the UmU VPN.

Please consult NMR platform personnel before booking.

Project Application

We welcome applications from beginners to experts.
Access to the infrastructure is based on evaluation of project applications. Access can range from solely NMR instrument time, to measurement and data analysis support by our staff, to collaborative projects. Projects are prioritized based on scientific quality and on demand of infrastructure resources.

Application form


Mattias Hedenström
NMR Core Facility
Department of Chemistry, Umeå University
901 87 Umeå

Tel: +46 (0)90 786 5370

Visiting Address:
KBC Building
Linnaeus väg 10
90736 Umeå

Facility information for current users

If you would like to check experiment queues, manuals/tutorials and other information, please use the following page. You will need to be at campus or use the institutional VPN.

Latest update: 2024-04-05