National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS)
Research infrastructure
NBIS provides bioinformatics and data science support to the Swedish life science research community. We offer a broad spectrum of services, including advanced bioinformatics analysis, bioimage informatics, data management, imaging AI support, systems and tools development, and support to national compute resources.
NBIS is a national research infrastructure which comprises ~120 experts in different fields, distributed across six sites in Sweden: Umeå, Uppsala, Stockholm, Linköping, Gothenburg, and Lund. NBIS constitutes the SciLifeLab Bioinformatics platform and forms the Swedish node in ELIXIR (the European infrastructure for biological information).
We provide hands-on assistance during research projects and systems development, with support options ranging from weekly drop-in sessions and shorter consultations free of charge, through well-defined bioinformatics tasks, to long-term engagement in large and complex projects. We offer expertise in multi-omics, single-cell, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, structural biology, bioimaging, medical imaging, and more. We can assist you from the project planning phase, through the project execution, during the data deposition, and at the reporting.
In addition to hands-on assistance, NBIS also provides advanced training, offering a large catalogue of bioinformatics and data science courses, as well as a mentor programme for PhD students.
NBIS is working in close collaboration with other SciLifeLab platforms and other national infrastructures, the SciLifeLab Data Centre, the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS), and many other stakeholders and collaborators to create synergies and provide the most optimal services to the research community.
On the NBIS website (, you can find more information about our services and how to access them.