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National e-Infrastructure for Aging Research (NEAR)

Research infrastructure The national resarch infrastructure NEAR facilitates the use of databases from major population longitudinal studies on aging and health in Sweden

About NEAR

The National E-infrastructure for Aging Research (NEAR) was founded in 2018.

It promotes and supports aging research by facilitating the use of longitudinal populationbased data from renowned Swedish cohort studies on aging and health. NEAR’s mission is to support high-quality aging research by providing big health data while maintaining the same quality and richness as in single population-based studies.

NEAR aims to:

  • promote and facilitate aging research in Sweden
  • increase national as well as international exchange and collaboration
  • enhance research quality and the generalizability of research findings

NEAR's ultimate goal is to identify sustainable intervention strategies for better health and develop more effective care for the older population.

NEAR operates through a collaboration among eight Swedish universities including Karolinska Institutet, University of Gothenburg, Lund University, Umeå University, Jönköping University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Uppsala University and Stockholm University.. It encompasses 15 databases containing comprehensive biomedical, clinical, social, and psychological health data from around 90,000 older adults followed for 12 to 52 years.

NEAR collaborates with the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe-Sweden (SHARE-Sweden) from the CORS infrastructure that is hosted by Umeå University


Please visit the NEAR platform for more details about the studies and variables included and the NEAR website for more information about how to apply for NEAR data.


External funding

Latest update: 2024-08-09