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TEM sample preparation practical course part II, 6-10th May 2019

TEM sample preparation course part II – Chemical fixation, high pressure freezing, plastic embedding and staining methods including practice on ultra-microtome sectioning, TEM imaging and an introduction to (Focused Ion Beam) FIB-SEM and electron tomography.

Application Deadline:
The registration closes on April 22nd 2019.

Pre-requisite criterion: Basic EM course or experiences as an EM user.

Participants will work with one sample from their own project. Practice EM sample preparation and EM imaging for their future project. Our lab space limits the number of participants to 8. Please write a short project description, a motivation and what sample you would like to prepare during the course. Please apply by April 22nd 2019. We may need to select participants depending on motivation and how your project fits the course aims.

Please, look at the program and methods covered in this course. Make sure you have time to participate the entire week, full days. Since the fixation and plastic embedding takes time, you should bring one test-samples to Agnieszka Monday 29th of April, and a new test-sample on the first course day, May 6th.

Preliminary Program:
The course preliminary program:
TEM Sample Preparation Course Part II Preliminary Program

Lectures at KBC and laboratory demonstrations at UCEM - Level 5, 6 + new EM building (Level 1), Umeå University.

8 persons. Open to all research students, postdocs and staff.


  • Sara Henriksson - EM research engineer
  • Gayathri Vegesna - EM research engineer
  • Agnieszka Ziolkowska - EM research engineer
  • Camilla Holmlund - EM research engineer
  • Barbara Hübner - Singapore, NTU 
  • Linda Sandblad - EM facility director

5 days

Coffee, cookies and fruit will be served.

No course fee, but full attendance is required!

1.5 ECTS - certificate will be given after participants attend all lectures and laboratory demonstrations for the 5-day course. Oral and practical examination during lab and EM demonstrations.

Course Rules:
Please check UCEM course rules needed to be followed:
UCEM course rules

Registration information

Registration is closed!



Nils Hauff
Staff scientist
Sara Henriksson
Staff scientist
Latest update: 2022-09-15