MAL publishes results and interpretations in the form of scientific research publications and consultancy reports, as well as student dissertations and theses. Current research publications authored by MAL staff are listed below.
Спасителни археологически проучвания по трасето на ам „тракия“, лот 1: 4част 1. праистория: [Archaeological rescue еxcavations along the trakia motorway route, lot 1: 4 part I: prehistory], Sofia: NAIM – BAS 2024 : 7-94
Petrova, Viktoria D.; Lyuncheva, Margarita; Iliev, Iliya; et al.
Inspired geoarchaeologies: past landscapes and social change: essays in honour of Professor Charles A. I. French, Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research 2022 : 145-155
Macphail, Richard I; Linderholm, Johan; Gjerpe, Lars-Erik