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Image: Mattias Pettersson
News, upcoming seminars and other events at the Environmental Archaeology Laboratory.
The Environmental Archaeology Laboratory and Humlab organised an inauguration of infrastructure equipment.
Read more about the existence of ancient lakes in Sahara dated between around 10.000 and 5.000 years ago.
The pollen trap is located on a roof on campus. Data is reported to the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
New study examines fossils of beetles to understand how changes in climate and landscape have affected.
Chelsea Budd and Malcolm Lillie, archaeologists at UmU, are two of those who participated in the study.
The Swedish Research Council has awarded large infrastructure grants to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond has granted SEK 7,728,000 to develop availability of data from tree ring analyses.
The book is the first comprehensive compilation of Ukrainian prehistory.
They will strengthen the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse of research data.
Archaeologists reveal that socioeconomic inequality developed in Europe earlier than previously believed.
Seminar. The Research Seminar Series in Archaeology and Environmental Archaeology invites you to a seminar with Dr. Paola Derudas.
Seminar. The Research Seminar Series in Archaeology and Environmental Archaeology invites you to a seminar with Natalia Riabogina.