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Access and Booking

Access to BICU for new users and projects

If you would like to use our light microscopes or discuss your research project with us, please contact us at info.bicu@umu.se.

To register a new project, please visit our user portal at NMI and create a user account and project https://nmi.scilifelab.se.

Booking for BICU users

The reservation and use of the BICU instruments require education and training from our personnel. When you have a registered project and experienced adequate training, you can get access to microscopy instruments and computer workstations on the online booking system Artologik:


If you do not have access to online booking and would like to use any of BICU instruments or computers, please contact BICU staff: info.bicu@umu.se.

Light Microscopy

Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy

Sebastian Rönfeldt
Staff scientist

Atomic Force Microscopy

Fouzia Bano
Staff scientist
Latest update: 2025-01-14