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Biochemical Imaging Centre Umeå (BICU)

Research infrastructure BICU is an interdisciplinary facility that provides state-of-the-art imaging technology together with affinity measurements. The facility allows advanced live cell imaging studies and measurement of interactions of proteins with other proteins, RNA, lipids and carbohydrates. Together with UCEM, BICU forms a node in the National Microscopy Infrastructure (NMI), Sweden for Correlative imaging.

Light Microscopy

We provide advanced live cell imaging techniques.

Correlative Imaging

We can perform correlative imaging.

Atomic Force Microscopy

Our AFM can be used to scan various surfaces.

Services provided at BICU

  • Consultation prior to imaging.
  • Technical support for image acquisition.
  • Personal training to provide drivers licence per instrument.
  • Assistance with Image analysis (including image pre-processing: improvement of image quality and intermediate processing: segmentation of the image. We are not involved in high level image processing: model prediction).

Laboratory space, cell culture room and incubators are available for external users, too.

BICU Staff Contacts

Contacts for all BICU staff

Illustration med tumavtryck för att illustrera datasäkerhet och liknande.
Access and Booking

More information to access and book different BICU instruments.

News and Media

BICU-related news and media

Latest update: 2023-09-11