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Violence and Crime

This research area encompasses victimological and criminological studies, as well as research on the organisation of care and treatment for both victims of violence and offenders. Victimological research focuses on studies of victimisation, crime victims, and individuals exposed to various forms of crime. Criminological research, on the other hand, focuses on the study of crime, often exploring its causes, manifestations, and effects. Combating all forms of violence and creating peaceful and inclusive societies is part of the UN's global sustainability goals.

The Department's Research

The department's research in this area largely deals with intimate partner violence but also includes studies on cybercrime, terrorism, and youth violence and crime. Intimate partner violence is a serious societal issue, and the research conducted by the department covers multiple target groups and perspectives. It includes studies on individuals' life situations, the organisation of welfare actors, the support and interventions provided, and the implementation of reforms and laws designed to address these issues. The department has particular expertise in issues related to violence against women and children, violence against men, and studies on the work of various actors, including non-profit, municipal, and regional organisations. Researchers at the department are involved in projects such as the support provided by social services to men who have experienced intimate partner violence, youth intimate partner violence, how digital technology is used to prevent and counteract gender-based violence, and patterns of intimate partner violence from a life-course and population perspective.

The department's research also includes projects focusing on offenders, those who commit violence and crimes, from a criminological perspective. One project investigates factors explaining cybercrime, considering both the offender, the victim, and the IT environment. Another project examines the living conditions of girls, focusing on their involvement, victimisation, and violence within what is commonly referred to as gangs or criminally active youth groups. Other projects related to violence and crime include research on terrorist threats, identifying gaps in healthcare preparedness, and strengthening collaboration between the police, legal system, civil protection, and healthcare sectors.

Networks and Collaborations

In the field of violence and crime research, our researchers collaborate within several Swedish and international networks. Examples include Nordisk Forskernetværk: Unge, tilhør og udenforskab, FlickForsk! Nordic Network for Girlhood Studies, and Domestic Violence Shelter Research Network. Additionally, there is a well-developed collaboration with women's shelters, Barnafrid at Linköping University, and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR).

Links to Our Networks

Nordisk Forsker Netværk: Unge, tilhør og udenforskab

FlickForsk! Nordic Network for Girlhood Studies

CVS - The Centre for Violence Studies

Head of research

Linda Arnell
Associate professor


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Social Work
Latest update: 2024-09-16