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Umeå Group for Premodern Studies

Research group The purpose of UGPS is to conduct internationally successful research in a broad multidisciplinary perspective on periods before 1800 in collaboration with international research groups and networks focusing on political culture, gender and emotions.

UGPS are focusing on three main themes:

• political culture – attitudes, beliefs and values underpinning political systems, practices and relations
• gender – constructions of differences and relations of power
• emotions – expressions, repertoires and strategies

These themes should be taken in a broad sense, including a wide range of disciplinary perspectives from literature, art, linguistics, history, archaeology, religion, history of ideas, philosophy, and political science.

A more specific aim is to place the Swedish historical and cultural development in a broad international perspective or alternatively study how global phenomena have affected Sweden during different historical epochs.

The long and short-term aims of UGPS include:
• Increasing younger researchers' competence to do research on premodern sources
• Conducting successful research on an international level
• Increasing the international publishing of results
• Applying for external funding for interdisciplinary research projects
• Organizing and participating in conferences and workshops
• Developing and expanding existing research networks
• Connecting international scholars to UGPS through networks and visiting fellowships
• Encouraging exchange of doctoral students and researchers
• Creating an international reference group to enrich the group's work in the long run

Head of research

Peter Lindström
Associate professor


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

Research area


External funding

Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation

External funding

Books and publications

Books, chapters, articles and other publications from UGPS.

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UGPS calendar

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Premodern conversations

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Visiting scholars and invited guests

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Past workshops and conferences

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Staff members

Presentation of the staff of our research group.

Associated researchers

Our associated researchers who contribute to the research group.

Related research groups

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Latest update: 2019-04-15