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TRC - Translational Research Centre
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TRC Cancer
Cemal Erdem Lab
Our lab works on integrating multi-omics datasets, machine learning, and large-scale mechanistic models to build clinically predictive computationa...
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Research group
Håkan Hedman Lab
Our research group studies LRIG proteins and the regulation of cancer cell growth.
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Hanna Nyström lab
Plant patterns in colorectal liver metastases, biomarkers in the blood for metastatic cancer and the tumor microenvironment in metastatic colorecta...
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Research group
Anders Bergh Lab
Type of project
Research group
Magnus Hultdin Lab
Our research group studies telomere biology in blood cells and molecular factors that affect tumor development and prognosis in lymphatic leukemias...
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Research group
Maréne Landström Lab
Metastatic cancer is usually associated with poor prognosis and survival for the patient. We are researching to develop new, better cancer drugs an...
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Robin Fåhraeus Lab
Our group studies Whisper mutations.
Type of project
Research group
Pernilla Wikström Lab
Our research group studies biomarkers for aggressive prostate cancer.
Type of project
Research group
CLISTER - Clinical Surgical Trials Epidemiological Research
Clister is a research group focusing on near patient surgical research. Our front line targets are advanced abdominal wall surgery and ostomy issue...
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Research group
Colorectal cancer
The importance of the intestinal microflora and tumour molecular characteristics in prognosis and therapy of colorectal cancer.
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Research group
Sophia Harlid´s research group
Molecular and genetic epidemiology. We study the connection between our environment, our genes and our health.
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Bethany van Guelpen Lab
We do research about risk profiling and early detection of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer (CRC), the third most common cancer in men and wome...
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Research group
Karin Nylander Lab
Squamous cell carcinoma in the mobile tongue is a serious disease affecting an increasing number of people preferably young (≤40 years) and mainly...
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Research group
Jonas Nilsson lab
The research is focused on elucidating information released in to the circulation and how to decode the information into personalized medicine...
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Research group
Sofie Degerman Lab
We do research on epigenetics and telomere biology in hematological malignancies.
Type of project
Research group
Josefsson prostate cancer group
The Josefsson lab is a multi-disciplinary bench-to-bedside research team in the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine, WCMM.
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Beatrice Melins group
Brain tumors and especially gliomas are tumors that are not easily cured. The most malignant form glioblastoma have very poor survival.
Type of project
Research group
Daniel Öhlund Lab
Pancreatic cancer research laboratory
Type of project
Research group
Oskar Hemmingsson lab - cancer research
Clinical and experimental studies of cancer. We are running a randomized clinical trial on local treatment of breast cancer liver metastases and...
Type of project
Research project
1 January 2013
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