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Thermochemical Energy Conversion Laboratory (TEC-Lab)

Research group The research area is within thermochemical energy conversion, mainly focusing on biomass but also on other solid and liquid fuels. The fundamental research is dedicated to gain deeper understanding of the fuel conversion processes as well as the ash and trace metal transformations at high temperatures.

Furthermore, applied and often multidisciplinary research is performed, where competences within engineering, chemistry, physics, environmental science and medicine interact. The overall aim with the research is to provide new knowledge that will help the society and industry to facilitate an increased use of novel fuel materials, develop and improve industrial processes, avoid technical operational problems, re-cycle finite minerals, and minimize harmful by-products and air pollution.


Contact Information

Tillämpad fysik och elektronik, TEC-lab
KBC-building, Linnaeus väg 6
901 87 Umeå 

Visiting Address
KBC-building, KB7C7


Research funding

Vetenskapsrådet - Swedish Research Council

Formas - The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning

SSF - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research



SFO - Bio4Energy - Strategic Research Environment

Kempestiftelserna – The Kempe Foundations

Energimyndigheten – The Swedish Energy Agency

Head of research

Christoffer Boman
Associate professor
Nils Skoglund
Associate professor
Flemming Frandsen
Visiting professor
Matias Eriksson
Adjunct associate professor


Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Applied Physics and Electronics

Research area

Energy engineering

Research projects

Increased understanding of lime kilns fired with biofuel

In his thesis Naresh Kumar Wagri shows challenges due to the properties of biofuels.

Improved process model can reduce limestone in cement production

Slag as a raw material provides more environmentally friendly cement – but how is the quality effected?

Laser spectroscopy for more efficient biomass combustion

New method paves the way for green energy and improves understanding of complex chemical processes.

Latest update: 2021-11-08