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Theme Qualitative methods

Profile area A medical faculty thematic space for senior researchers, teachers and doctoral students active in the field qualitative methods, and others interested in the topic.

The theme qualitative methods was initiated in the spring of 2021. The aim of the theme is to provide knowledge exchange and stimulate debate, increase creative thinking about qualitative methods and to create opportunities for collaboration between the three departments. The seminars given within the theme are interactive and everyone that is currently working with or is interested in qualitative methods are welcome. The ambition is for the theme to give two seminars/workshops per semester.

Upcoming seminars

18 May 2022 at 15-17. Discourse analysis – examples from research

In this second seminar about discourse analysis we will be given examples from studies where discourse analysis has been used.
Presentations will be given by doctoral student Therese Nordin from the Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, professor Anna Sofia Lundgren from the Department of Culture and Media Studies, and associate professor Ann Jacobsson from the Department of Nursing. The presentations will be followed by discussions.

Hybrid seminar.

Past seminars

23 February 2022

Discourse Analysis in theory and practice - approach and method(s). The seminar gave us an overview of and different perspectives within discourse analysis. A presentation was given by professor Annika Egan Sjölander from the Department of Culture and Media Studies, followed by a discussion.

9 December 2021

Narrativ och tolkande metod som resurs för hälsovetenskaplig forskning. Lunchseminarium med Staffan Josephsson, Professor i Arbetsterapi vid Karolinska Institutet, ledamot i Styrgruppen för Strategiska Forskningsområdet Vårdvetenskap (SFO-V) och Gästforskare vid Institutionen för Samhällsmedicin och Rehabilitering.

11 November 2021

How can Qualitative Longitudinal Research (QLR) be used in health science research? Inspiration and examples of on-going research. The seminar gave us an overview of qualitative longitudinal research and practical examples from studies where this method has been used.

10 May 2021

Progression in teaching in qualitative methods from undergraduate to advanced levels. Lecture by Lars Larsson from Umeå University Pedagogy and Learning Support (UPL). Presentations and discussions.



Information about us


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Latest update: 2022-02-25